

An Establishment managed by Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, an educational and Charitable Society, well versed in Educational Apostolate, a striking transformation in educating and sculpting the minds of young people in India. In their passion and zeal for excellence, they have established their institutions which are widely spread over the world in 33 Counties. The Society began its educational mission in India in 1903, and now spread to the length and breadth of our mother land.

The Society of the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, which manages this Institution was founded by St. Louis Montfort in France in 1705. Since then, it has spread to thirtythree countries and are engaged in the mission of education. The organization, therefore, caters to the educational needs of not only children and youth in normal academic schools but also imparts technical education, education of the differently abled and engages in social work especially among down – trodden and the marginalized.

Mortfortian education seeks to work for the total development of the young. They are helped to discover their God given talents and work towards their fullest development in order to place them at the service of the society. It seeks to enable the young to search for the truth by training and work out a synthesis of

It is concerned with forming moral conscience that is capable of discerning what is good and choosing it.

It pays attention to appreciate the Indian heritage and enables the students to imbibe in its culture for building a harmonious society, irrespective of difference of faith, language, caste and class and at the same time to remain open to the positive elements of other cultures.

It instills in the pupils the values of love, freedom, forgiveness, honesty and justice.

It takes full congnisance of the fact that education by its very nature requires a community style and environment and cannot allow itself to be isolated from the social context.

Total Education which implies a holistic approach to education and which is concerned with the total development of an individual as a person, is the quintessence of Montfortian education. It aims at the development of body, mind and spirit to the greatest extent.