1. Admission to Montfort School implies on the part of the pupils and the parents, the willingness to comply with the requirements and regulations of the school.
2.* On class days and school functions, the students must wear the uniform prescribed by the school. All students must come to school clean and tidy. Those who are not dressed in uniform may be excluded from the class or even sent home. However, in exceptional circumstances, a student who is unable to wear the complete uniform, would be allowed to attend the school provided a request is made by parent in this Hand book.
3.* Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of home work, disobedience and disrespect towards the members of the staff or bad moral influence will lead to dismissal. The pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school.
4.* Care must be taken of the school property, students must not scratch, disfigure or spoil the furniture, write on the walls or in any way damage what is provided for their use. Any kind of damage done to the school property will lead to dismissal.
5. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. It is not advisable for children to bring valuable articles.
6. Students are expected to behave well at all times both inside and outside the school. Shouting or whistling or running in the school building, or throwing things at one another is strictly forbidden.
7.* No one may leave the school premises during school hours without the Principal’s permission. Parents are not allowed to see their children or interview the teachers during the school hours except with the prior permission of the Principal. Parents are free to meet any teacher taking an appointment through diary.
8. Please see that your children bring with them their tiffin box, pen, pencil, books etc. when they come to school.
9. Any student found resorting to unfair means and received or gives assistance in any form during Tests/Examinations will be given zero in the subject and warning letter. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal.
10. Letters are not to be sent to the student at the school address.
11. Parents are requested to keep in touch with the school authorities regarding the progress of their children. They are particularly requested to call for and check their progress report which is issued after every cycle of tests.
12. Parents/guardians may not visit their wards or their teachers in the classrooms.
13.* Students are not allowed to be absent on the closing day/ reopening day, or whenever there is a school function.
14.* Students are not allowed to bring ornaments to school and are forbidden to come with any “make-ups”.
15.* The school reserves itself the right to dismiss students whose diligence or progress in studies is steadily unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other student or whose guardians show little interest in the progress of their wards. Immorality, grave insubordination, contempt of authority or wilful damage to property is always a sufficient reason for immediate dismissal.
16. Co-curricular activities on Wednesday from 11.15 am to 12.30 pm. All the students should choose any one activity only.
17.* Medium of instruction is English, and Rule of Language is English as well.If any one is found violating the Rule of language is fined.
Though a school can do a lot for a child, it cannot do everything. The home is a place where he gets his first education and training in citizenship. It is the chief place where his character growth of personality and helps to discover and develop the qualities that are in the children. In order to secure all that is best in the education of your child, maximum co-operation between the parents and the school authorities is necessary.
The task of helping our children to become good citizens is done better through a kind of partnership between the school and parents.
The school desires to have your co-operation and close contact with the teachers of your children in order to develop an atmosphere that is conducive to better and more effective education. This hand book is one of the links which bridges home and the school. It will be an effective medium for parent teacher contact.
We earnestly request the parents to look into this Handbook everyday and see to it that the lesson and home work assigned for the next day are completed. The child should be encouraged to cultivate habitual cleanliness in all his/her work the teachers will communicate with you through this hand book. Your prompt attention to those remarks is very essential. Absence of your child from class for attending social functions is discouraged because it retards the child’s progress and minimizes the interest in regular hard-work. It is essential that the school be informed when the child is detained at home.
Children who are ill should not be send to school to attend class or to take tests, as the chances are that they will spoil both their health and studies. In case of illness, application for leave must reach the school without delay.
Children should do their home-work themselves. They should not be helped in it by parents or by tutors unless they really need it. It is important that the children develop a habit of studying and working on their own.
Criticism of a teacher should be avoided in the presence of the child because it undermines his respect for the teachers and the school. If you have a legitimate complain, Please meet the Principal.
Giving presents to the staff or other demonstration of gratitude or goodwill in their honor is not allowed.
As they advance in age, guide him/her to become a resourceful and useful member of the home, society and the country. Encourage self-help for work and study. He/She should be taught to keep his room tidy, make his own bed, polish his/ her own shoes, carry his/her own bag etc. the formation of such habits early in life inculcates in him the idea of dignity of work, which is a fundamental personal virtue necessary for a successful career in life.
You are requested to pay special attention to the personal cleanliness of your child. Kindly see that the child attends the school in proper prescribed uniform. As the medium of instruction in the school is English, children should be helped to follow their classes easily and intelligently by a certain amount of regular English conversation at home.
The New education policy of CBSE and the School give a lot of importance to co-curricular activities. Hence the school has introduced Karate, Yoga, Roller Skate, Music from June 2010. Every Child is expected to choose, any one of the four items. The item chosen should be mentioned in the handbook on the page student’s data.